Ticketek AU

Ticketek AU General Guide

Create Tasks

Click Create Task on the task page and configure your own task information, as shown in the figure

  • No need to choose profile

  • The link needs to be configured with a specific sales page link. Ticketek au may release multiple performances at the same time. In this case, if you want to buy a specific performance, you need to configure a specific sales page link, for example: https:/ /hotshow4.ticketek.com.au/shows/show.aspx?sh=TWEEKND23 In this case, if there is only one show on sale at the same time, you can configure the link: https://hot4.ticketek.com.au/, nothing more That is, when selling in multiple games, you must configure a specific link instead of a queued link. This needs to be paid attention to.

  • price directly configures the specific fare and priority required

  • The minimum quantity is set to 1. The quantity is the maximum purchase quantity for each order. It is subject to the actual page. Add it according to your needs.

  • The payment method can be manual or checkout link only. Manual will pop up the browser window, up to 5 pop-ups at the same time; checkout link only will not pop up the window, only the webhook message with the checkout link will pop up in the webhook.

  • Proxy needs to be configured on the Ticketek AU (OD) generator under the harvesters page

  • The event time is configured according to actual needs. It only needs to be configured for sales of different events at the same time.

  • It supports up to 5,000 tasks running at the same time. Generally speaking, it is recommended to run about 3,000 tasks at the same time.

  • Venue, check Configue Venue

  • The zone configuration is not to configure the zone number in the seat map, but to configure the unique words in the specified ticket name.

  • You need to log in to your account when checking out. Each account is limited to one order, so prepare more accounts.

  • Pre-sale codes are configured according to actual sales needs, and some exclusive code configurations for priority purchases are supported.

View question configuration answers

When creating a task, configure a pre-sale code group. The pre-sale code group can be empty.

Add an event to the notification event setting: Manual Intervention Required. It is recommended that this notification channel be distinguished from the channel for checking out and add the cart.

After the drop starts running the task, if the task encounters a question that needs to be answered, you can view the question in the webhook. When you see the question, add a pre-sale code to the configured pre-sale code group, configure the answer according to the question, and save Just add it, and the task will automatically continue to run to complete the added cart.

Note that currently only one answer to the same question is supported for all tasks. If you know the question in advance, you can configure the answer in advance.

Start Tasks

Start all tasks 10 minutes in advance

Configure event notifications

Configure event notifications in the notification settings. The configured event notifications will send webhook information.

It is recommended to configure event notification: Reserved items in cart, checked out

If you need to view the pass queue link, you can additionally turn on the event notification: passed queue, passed queue (stopped)

Passed queue tasks are tasks that will continue the purchase process. Passed queue (stopped) means that the purchase process has been terminated for some reason after the task has passed the queue. You can click the pass queue link to make manual checkout urgently.


  • Choose a high-quality proxy. A poor-quality proxy may not be able to pass the queue.

  • After passing the queue in pro mode, the task will send a webhook message after successfully locking the car. You need to manually click the checkout link in the webhook to pay manually. The locking time is generally 8 minutes. There is no need to manually log in to the account after passing the queue.

  • Configure some high-quality proxies on the Ticketek AU (OD) generator

  • You need to log in to discord on the computer you use to check out in advance, confirm that the webhook configuration is correct, install chrome, and install the latest version of the Spider browser plug-in on chrome.

Last updated