Global Inter Park Transfer

Global Inter Park Transfer General Guide

There are two transfer methods: basic transfer and advanced transfer.

Basic Transfer

Recommended transfer time: choose to transfer when the website traffic is low

Create 10 pro mode tasks: Please note that the configured ticket info needs to configure the information and account of the person to be transferred. The task is configured with the correct link, price, performance time, zone and row. Select any seat for the seat selection strategy, and select 1 for the quantity. Note: The performance time and area must be configured and cannot be configured incorrectly.

When these 10 tasks are started, the normal status is that the status of the task will show "Getting seat information". At this time, it means that everything is normal with the task

Manually cancel the previously purchased tickets and wait for the task to be purchased successfully.

The basic transfer steps apply to all purchased tickets, not just Spiders, but there is no guarantee of a 100% success rate.

Advanced Transfer

Recommended transfer time: choose to transfer when the website traffic is low

Create 10 Xfer tasks: Task link configures Transfer Data data, ticket info configures the transferor's information and account, profile information is also recommended to configure the transferor's bank card (you can not use the transferor's bank card), zone and performance time are not required configuration.

Transfer Data data: When using Spider added cart or checked out, there will be a transfer Data field in the webhook information. The information in this field is the Transfer Data information corresponding to the current ticket. At the same time, there will also be corresponding information in the task log. ticket xfer data information, as shown in the figure:

When these 10 tasks are started, the normal status is that the status of the task will show "Getting seat information". At this time, it means that everything is normal with the task

Manually cancel the previously purchased tickets and wait for the task to be purchased successfully.

The advanced transfer steps only apply to Spider added cart and checked out tickets. Compared with the basic transfer method, the transfer success rate will be higher, but the success rate cannot be guaranteed to be 100%.


  • The basic transfer and advanced transfer functions have the same principle. The former supports all tickets, while the latter only applies to tickets purchased by Spider.

  • The transfer tasks and accounts need to be 1:1. If you want to improve the transfer success rate, the success rate will be higher if you open more tasks.

  • There is no guarantee of a 100% success rate for transfers, and there are still risks, which may result in the inability to repurchase the order after canceling it.

  • If there is a queue for the transferred SKU, you need to wait for the pass queue before canceling the order

  • Transfer Data data will be saved in webhook and log

  • There are risks in transferring ownership, please be careful

Last updated