Cityline Accounts

Gen Cityline Accounts General Guide

Create Tasks

On the account page, click on the task in the upper left corner. On the account-task page, click "+" at the bottom to open the generate account page, as shown in the figure:

Configure the corresponding website, proxy group, and account. It is recommended to use a domain name mailbox, or you can use a list of email addresses. Note that the format is one email per line. If the password setting is empty, it will be a random password. For the quantity, fill in the number you want to generate. Click Create to complete the creation and generation task.

Start Tasks

The email source task needs to be enabled on the security page. It is recommended to use the Google (Imaps) task in the email source task. Then start the generate account task, and the accounts will start to be generated. Each account needs to be activated by the email source task.

Save Account

The successfully generated account will be saved under the account page. You can export the excel table. After exporting, manually configure the account and password, and replace the blank line (tab) in the middle with: Then go to the import gift card page to register the cityline account. (Cityline’s account is special, please log in under the gift card account page, please remember)

Please note: Accounts registered from February 17, 2024 do not have login passwords, so you only need to import the registered account name into the wallet page. For accounts without passwords, if you log in before the sale, you need to open the email source task under the security page, select proxy in the upper left corner of the wallet page, and then click Query. If the query is successful, the account login is successful. For those who had an account and password before Please be aware that querying your account does not require opening the email source task under the security page.

Last updated