Configure Price

Configure Price General Guide

How to configure price

Priority configuration, use "," in the English input method to configure the priority, for example: 1899,1399,699,299 With this configuration, tickets priced at 1899 will be purchased first. If the tickets priced at 1899 are sold out, tickets priced at 1399 will be purchased first, and so on. Range configuration, for example: >=799. This configuration only purchases tickets with a ticket price greater than or equal to 799. There is also a range configuration of 499-500. This configuration is to purchase tickets with a fare of 499 to 500. Generally, this range of configuration is used on the two Thai websites, All Ticket and Thai Ticket Major, because when selecting seats, The actual price will be tens of yuan higher than the ticket price by a handling fee Buy randomly, if the ticket price is empty, then buy any ticket price randomly

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