Generating DataDome Cookies for Footsites

How to generate DataDome Cookies


Create an Account for Third-Party Captcha Solver

Go to the Accounts page and add an account for third-party solvers, such as 2 Captcha or CapMonster. You need to register an account on 2Captcha or CapMonster to get the API KEY.

Create Some Captcha Solvers

Go to the Security page and click the + button to create some captcha solvers such as 2 Captcha or CapMonster. It's ok to set proxy to localhost for third-party solver tasks.

Go to the Harvesters page and click EDIT of Footsites harvester. Set a proxy group and the sessions you wish to run, then click SAVE to keep the settings for the harvester. Click START to generate DataDome cookies.


  1. The CapMonster solver is the fastest solver among these third-party solvers. It's recommended to run CapMonster tasks for generating cookies.

  2. Set the Sessions to the maximum value if possible. It's ok to create multiple solver tasks with the same API KEY, and you could also create multiple solver tasks. Different solver tasks could share one API KEY.

  3. Currently, the DataDome cookie lasts long for 8 hours, you should start generating cookies before the drop.

Generate unlimited Datadome cookies for restock

  • Enable FootSites Cookie generator. The recommended number of sessions is around 10, and the maximum number of cookies set to 200 or 300.

  • Create captcha solvers such as 2 Captcha or CapMonster, set the same task counts as cookies generated above.

Continous restocking could be secured based on the configuration described above. When the cookies are used up, the generator will automatically start to keep generating cookies, and the harvester will automatically stop when the number of cookies reaches the upper limit. As long as there are sufficient balances in 2 Captcha or CapMonster accounts, there will be enough cookies for the task to use.

Note that since there is no need to queue up for restocking, it is not recommended to start many tasks on purpose. 1-20 tasks with a different profile for one single product is suggested.

Last updated