Captcha AI Solver

How to Create Captcha AI Solver

Under the Accounts page, add a Captcha AI account.

Create under the Security page, add a Captcha AI Solver, under account fill Captcha AI API key, as shown below

Click save.

Precaution Step

  • The Captcha AI task is mainly used in scenarios that require a large number of point images but require timeliness, such as resolving google recaptcha

  • Captcha AI API key needs to be registered on Captcha AI official website. Official website:

  • Captcha AI needs to purchase a thread concurrency package on the official website. If you purchase a certain concurrency package, you need to configure the same maximum concurrency in the task settings.

  • It is recommended to use the default blank in the function options. If a features is selected, the current task will only resolve the resolving request of the specified features task, and the resolving type that is compatible with all requests is not selected.

  • Recommend using localhost

  • Create task proxies with different keys can also set up different ISP proxies

Last updated